Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Monday, December 24, 2012

Roof Deck Railings

Had a chilly Christmas Eve Day- single digit temperatures all day, but Nathan finished up the railings that he started this week!  It really finishes up the roof deck nicely:

Nathan found a "red wood" that he milled up as a cap to the parapet wall, and then used galvanized pipe for the railing posts-  it will tie in with the garden fence we put in next spring.

Jocie was a great helper on this project:  She and her daddy worked together- cutting steel, filing down the burrs, and setting them in place:

Nathan drilled all the holes in the cap piece, and came up with a cool bolt connection that keeps the whole railing really sturdy:  He cut through the rubber membrane on the parapet wall:

Cut through the parapet wall sheathing- to get access to the bolt that would hold the railing cap down:

After J helped him get all the railing posts in place, Nathan inserted the long threaded rods:

Getting the holes in the cap piece all lined up took a little doing, but wasn't too bad... The threaded rods, in some key locations, keep the top cap from lifting up- and are strong enough to keep the railing assembly from being wiggly:

The 2x4 top was covered up with another, wider board to make a nice ledge for plates and glasses and such, and also covers up the bolt tops. Nathan got some "stucco panel" from Hardi to cover up the rubber roof membrane below the rail- the primed color is pretty close to our intended stucco color for the rest of the house:

We can't wait till spring to start having friends over to share meals with on the roof deck! We wrapped up the rest of the siding this week too, so now Nathan can join Terese inside where it's nice and warm to finish up sheet-rock mud, priming and painting!  More to come!

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