Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ceilings & Walls

Nathan is in the thick of sheetrocking.  Last week he was able to complete the ceilings.  He's using 4x12 sheets, so they are heavier and a bit unweildly.  This will leave us with less waste and less taping to do.

In addition to completing the ceilings, all of the shower walls where they will be tiled has the wonderboard installed.  This is a cement board that doesn't allow mold growth and maintains it's integrity when wet more than regular sheetrock.

K & N living room ceiling - there is a bit of a elevation relief - N didn't want flat ceilings in these larger rooms.  It was fussy to put up, but I went with the designer on this one & I'm so glad I did!

We all really like this ceiling.  K &T's entry way.  There are venting chases on the right & left sides.  I could have just been a drop ceiling with two side chases...But our designer/builder is awesome and put a drop on the short sides.  The result is a lovely elevated ceiling relief.  Wait until you see the light fixture T has chosen!

wonderboard installed in bathroom (the hole is where the bathtub will be installed)

Having all the ceilings up made the space feel SO wonderful!  BUT NOW...well, now Nathan's working on the walls.  It just makes the rooms, well...rooms!  It's very exciting to see.  I went over to see the kitchen after work.  WOW!  Makes this lady pretty excited!

BEFORE: from our dining room looking into K&T's hallway & bedroom

AFTER: our kitchen walls sheetrocked! (once the right sized scrap makes itself known, that wall will be finished)

window seaat wall - opposite our kitchen

A fun arty thing we decided to do with the hallway wall is to put some nookes into the wall.  TNathan saw this space being created due to the supports for the stairs - they wanted to be more than a thick wall.  They didn't look like much during the framing, but now they are visible.  Maybe they'll be bookshelves, maybe they'll be places for object d'artes...

securing sheetrock to the wall framing

preparing to make some cuts (look at those ceilings and walls in the background!  whooo hoooo!)
sheetrock trimmed - nooks are now very cool looking!



Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer Progress

We are halfway through August, and have been remiss in updating our blog post...
It really was time to take a couple of breaks, so we made a couple of road trips out to Oregon: Nathan"s 20th high school reunion- and a wedding for Nathan's cousin Peter.

Before leaving for the first trip, Nathan got all the roof shingling done.  We had posted earlier that the roof was done, but that was just for the main house.  There are 3 porch roofs that still needed completion, and our dear friend Kip came up from Cody and gave a real helping hand and we got ALL the roofing done!

Thank you Kip!

For a little extrra photo documentation, we include the following for your enjoyment and appreciation:

The roofs are too high for a regular conveyor lift, and Nathan was NOT interesed in hauling every bundle of shingles up the ladder, so we purchased our shingles from Thomae Lumber- they have a super cool lift truck that JUST fits along side our house...

The boom arm on this truck is great! They can lift up a whole pallette of shingles at a time...

Or even just a single bundle of starter shingles...

All the way to the top of the roof ridge, where you can reach it easily!

So that's it! The story of our roofing project!  Sheet rock has been going on for a couple of weeks now, in between road trips.  More on that later...