Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Saturday, November 3, 2012


 Our focus on the house is continuing to be on the outside.  Our friend Kip has been coming up from Cody for the last 2 months, each weekend to help with the house.  The sheet rocking is done in the entire house.  Terese is working all day, most days doing a (beautiful) job mudding.  By the time Nathan is done with the stucco on the outside, the inside might just be ready for flooring!

We've talked about the lovely wall covering that we were excited about doing, American Clay.  We've since decided that the hard labor to put it on and the uncertainty of the color we are getting, we decided to do conventional painted walls.  We estimated that it would take about a month longer to get into the house because Nathan would need to be the person to put the clay up.  We have a most talented painter in our family and decided we should take advantage of that talent.  We also have control over the color.  This will make the overall color of the house work better together.  We are planning on having bamboo flooring in the house (it's a yellowish color) so if we take maple cabinets in the kitchen, bamboo flooring and a taupe/yellow wall color, you can imagine that all that could go bad together really quick if you didn't have control of the wall color.  My office will stay the American Clay (that was our test room).  I'm glad it's staying.  I love it.  But I will love being in the house even more :)

SO!  STUCCO!  Nathan loves working with this product.  It's easy to go on.  Although, his shoulders are getting quite the workout!  We are focusing on the  stucco right now so we can get the blue board covered AND because the stucco needs 40' weather to can imagine that in November counting on days that have 40' for at least 3 hours is going to get few and far between.  We had a great week this week of 50+ weather (one day was even 60'!).  While the East Coast was getting hammered with hurricanes, we had perfect stucco weather that seems unusually warm for the last week of October. Nathan is taking full advantage of this and working like crazy!  With Kip here working this weekend, Nathan can keep going longer since has a stucco maker here.  He doesn't have to stop to make more stucco, Kip is an excellent mixer!
Loading up on stucco

Wet stucco going on

The light grey is a a wall that was done a few days ago, next to new stucco, the dark grey.

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