Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Rockin' Out

Sheet rocking, that is :)

Kip & Nathan have been putting Jazz tunes in the CD player and hanging sheetrock on the weekends.  They changed 'strategy' last week and decide to knock out a bunch of the entry way (this includes 2 bedrooms, 2 closets, Kristen's office, bathroom and the hallway.

It was SO FUN to come in at different times throughout the day and see more and more of the house feeling like HOME!

From hallway looking into dining room

From kitchen looking into entryway. Looks like a house, huh?! (J took this picture!)

The Jazzy work party!  This worksite has the BEST music playing!

It has been so hot the last month that Nathan spent almost all of his time inside the COOL house.  No systems are up and running - and remember, there's NO A/C and people that came through (us, J, family, neighbors ALL are amazed at how cool the house is!  Insulating and low air flowing through the walls is so COOL!)  The weather has cooled off and is pretty perfect right now for working outside.  Nathan has shifted to putting the chicken wire up on the outside of the house, prepping it for the stucco.  The time is here to get the outside done before winter.
  In the meantime....

Terese is over at the property TAPING SHEETROCK!  Yeah!  AND we'll be priming and putting up our first layers of clay soon.  Yep - no paint in the house (besides a No VOC primer) - we're putting clay on the walls. It's pretty cool. I'll tell you more about it later!

1 comment:

  1. One of the most wonderful parts about having Kip here is that there are prayers said before each work day begins. Nathan does this too, but it just feels extra wonderful when there is a circle of friends...
