Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Roof Deck!

Spent the last few days working on the roof deck between our two upstairs living areas...
It's gotten really hot here the past few days- 100degrees and up.  That means early morning work- starting out at 6 or so and skipping out by noon to miss the heat of the day.  Electrical work and such inside where it's still nice and cool in the afternoons...
Nathan put up the rubber roof last fall to keep us dry through the winter, but the time had come to seal it all up and get the pavers installed.  The big roll on the table is the adhesive rubber sticker that seals all the seams...
That rubber stretches like crazy to fold over itself and seal even inside corners...
We had a temporary "bridge" to get back and forth over the rubber membrane all winter and spring, but we got rid of it now...
Nathan put down a "weed barrier" fabric on top of the EPDM rubber membrane- something that would let the water drain through and add a layer of additional protection for the roof before we added the gravel...
... hauled up and spread out all over the sloped roof...
... just a couple of buckets at a time, loaded up by Papa and our friend Dennis!
and hauled upstairs by Slade & Nathan...
Once the whole deck was leveled out with a couple inches of gravel, Nathan put down another layer of "filter fabric" and started putting down pavers...
and spread out some sand and pea gravel that we swept into the cracks to keep the pavers stable...

So that's it!  A concrete patio on the roof deck for cool morning breakfasts and evening dinner parties!