Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Digging Complete!

The digging went every well!  We have a giant hole in the yard and have all kinds of curious people popping over to say "hi" and to see what we're doing!

After the hole was dug and a liner of pebbles was layed down, Keith asked Nathan how close we were on the diagonal measurements.  From one corner to the other, we were off 1/8 of an inch!  A smidge too big!  Pretty amazing given the huge machine that does the digging - I have no idea how a person could take this big thing and end up being so precise.  I'm also REALLY glad we hired this portion out.  It definitely paid to hire a pro!

When all was complete with this stage, Nathan, J and I all took a 'walk through' of the house.  J loved it!  She wanted to know where the fridge was and may she have some yogurt. I mimed pulling the yogurt out of the fridge, pulling out a bowl & spoon.  Then the turkey wanted to watch a movie, so we started a movie on an imaginary laptop.  So if you see my kid sitting in a big whole stareing at the ground...please know she's just watching a movie!

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