Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Whatcha working on?

We are preparing for an open house that we will be hosting on Saturday from 10am-2pm.  The annual Montana Women's Run brings thousands of runners right by our house, so, we're taking this opportunity for some free publicity :)

With this we've talked about how it looks like 'nothing is happening' right now.  We have lots of people asking us "Whatcha working on now?"  The beginning of the project, earth moving & big diggers make for some donut, coffee and a lounge chair event.  Through the winter it looks like from the outside that NOTHING IS HAPPENING.

Well, we that go inside daily DO see what's happening! AND we are seeing all this hard work add up!

In honor of Mother's Day and this run and the fabulous weather, Nathan will be working on the front and side porch and roof lines.  It will look like 'something is happening' and we can take advantage of perfect weather and be on the outside and then move inside on days that it's really hot. (The house is already AMAZINGLY comfortable when it's hot out.  Because the air isn't moving through the house, on the hottest days we've had (80+), I was downright COLD walking in the house.  HOW COOL IS THAT?!  NO A/C in this house!)

For those that don't get to see daily progress add up and wonder what's happening...

Prepping for concrete foundation for the porch

BIG things are happening when Bloedorn makes a delivery!  AND using the Piggy Back!

Yep!  That's work!

All switch, outlet and data boxes are nailed in place

Welcome to the crawl space!  This is just the right height for J to help out a ton in!  She can get in and out so quick!  We can squat and not hit our heads, but moving around needs to be done very carefully.  The line in the background is connecting the house to the city water line.  Foreground pipe is not connected yet, so it looks funny...

What could this be?  Why, Yes, that IS the conduit that will connect my solar panels from the roof to the meter at the back of the house!  Contributing to the grid, we will be!

Spaghetti in the ceiling!  Keith has been busy pulling wires everywhere!  Extra lines are also being pulled in.  We have a few ideas for the future of some rooms and are placing the wires in the walls in the event we decide to do these other projects in years to come.  Much easier to do this NOW, when everything is easy to get at. 

Getting those lines to where they count!  Switch boxes!
If you take a quick look you can just see 'In Progress', but when you visit everyday you get to see when all the outlet boxes are places and more wiring is in and your fireplace has been framed in. (Dru!  This is for you...see all that pretty light coming in?  Not blocked by a old house anymore!  This has done WONDERS for that room!)

Although this house needs no furnace, the city code requires the house to have a heat source (and apparently they don't think my fridge will be enough ;)  ahhh, how things are a-changin'!).  It's also not romantic to cuddle around the fridge OR knit around the fridge, so we'll be putting in a fireplace.  We could have put in electric baseboards, but really, the same goes for fridges and baseboards...not romantic at all!

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