Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Monday, April 30, 2012

Next Steps

Now that the house is gone, Nathan and I have both wondered where something is, with head down walking over to the old house to get it, only to find this:

and this

No House!  :)
It's funny that we spent all this time tearing it down and then walk over to get something out of it!  Old habits die hard, I guess.

Now we are on to the next step.  Wiring the house and calling for an inspection from the city.  Keith already has the lines coming into the house complete.

Nathan will be interviewed by the Billings Gazette later this week for an article on multi-generational housing.  He's also completed his work on a brochure for building a house "Like they used to...Only better".  We will be doing an open house for the public on May 12 after the Montana Women's Run.  Nathan's also made a presentation with Ed Gulick, an architect at High Plains Architecture (he did the design of Good Earth Market and Northern Plains Resource Council, both Green buildings in Billings) to a Environmental Studies class at MSU-B and is planning on also doing a presentation for Senior High School science classes. 

Now off to get flooring samples coming our way!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post. LOL. Neat that he's going to educate the masses.
