Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Monday, March 5, 2012


We've been working inside all winter, plumbing, ductwork, wiring and STAIRS!

Nathan got the first set of stairs (for our part of the house in the front) done weeks ago,
but yesterday, he finished the back stairs (for Keith and Terese).  Actually, they aren't "finished"
they are just the plywood sub-stairs-  the same wood flooring we are planning for the bulk of the house will be installed on the stairs as well, but we can now walk upstairs and have put away the ladders...

Nathan- with the first stair stringers cut ou with"strong-backs" attached...

Putting the stringers in place...

"Box Treads"- with risers pre-assembled...

The upper flight of stairss going in...

"Barrel blocking" for the winder stairs at the bottom...

J came by for a photo op with the "J" treads...

"Bendi-plywood" wraps around the curved risers...

The Stairs are done!  Good to walk up on.  Now, back to Ductwork!

More to come as we keep making progress...

1 comment:

  1. Love this post Nathan! The picture of the J's came out really sweet! You do beautiful work :)
