Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Monday, March 12, 2012

promotional drawings- rough draft

Nathan here...

I've been so happy building this place for my family, I'm thinking about doing it again for someone else. Being able to design, build, and do all the work of building a house is really a deep pleasure-  great phyical activity all day, a change of work tools and tasks every week or so, being outside a lot, and having a flexible daily schedule when I can go hang with my girls sometimes in the mid-day are all great aspects of the job for me....

Being able to build "high-performance" houses- pushing the envelope to make houses that produce more enerygy each month than they consume- feels like good architectural practice.  Finding existing lots in established neighborhoods like we found make building a house feel like actually building community.  We have great interactions with our neighbors throughout the building process...

All that being said, I've decided to put up a little 5-page spread out on my construction sign post that I've had up since we started building... We've just had the basic elevations on it for people walking by who were interested in what we were doing- before it was obvious...

We get a lot of people walking by- it's a great neighorhood for walkers- part of why we like it so much.  Come Mother's Day, we have a walk/run that goes right by our house that thousands of people take part in every year. It's too good an opportunity to pass up.  The 5 pages will have one fixed panel and two "doors" (2 sides each) that can close over it.  I figure I can use it for a printed brochure as well.

I've clipped in the first draft below... Not sure if they will be big enough to read...

If you click on the image, it should pop up large enough for you to read. Let me know on facebook if you have comments, questions or suggestions...

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