So with that not being an option, Nathan resorted to the old "scaffold jacks" he and Keith used to use on jobs in years past... Here's the set up:
The first sections are just 7 ft tall- like half a sawhorse - that leans against the house...
Once a pair of scaffold jacks are in place, a couple of scaffold planks get set up...
The second set of scaffold jacks is about 14 ft high. Again, a pair of them are tilted up in place...
...and a scaffold plank gets lifted up in place...
and we are ready to go! Nathan can move these around the house as required to get access to the whole house. Soon, we'll have photos with the 20ft jacks for Nathan to get access to the gable ends where we'll have some stucco!
On a side note, a key improvement on Nathan's scaffold jacks is in the connection of the legs to the ground. The danger would be if the legs were to slide out from below on loose ground or something... In years past, there was a lot of wooden stakes getting pounded in and screwed to the legs- really a pain when you are setting up repeatedly in different locations. This time around, Nathan used steel stakes in conduit:
The wire keeps the stakes up out of play when they are getting hauled around, but they slip out easily and then they get pounded in...
They pull back up quickly with a pair of channel-lock pliers.
On to the next location, and back to work!
You rock! Are you going to show everyone how you get the insulation under the scaffold jack? :) safety first!