Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Monday, December 12, 2011


J said it best as we drove up to the house today...."WINDOOOWS!  AWESOME!  THEY ARE BOOTIFUL"

I have to admit, I was teary eyed as I came around the corner and saw a warm light coming through the beautiful windows!  I love the green we chose.  It feels so full of life while the earth is so brown right now.

K & T's from the West side

Terese came over to check out the windows.  All the windows on their side were installed today.  We had the bounty of having the Marvin guys come over this afternoon and show Nathan how to do the intall.  It also helped to have a few extra hands to install the largest of the windows.

Terese and I were able to help Nathan install the last of the windows.  The double window in Terese's study.  We didn't know that we would be helping, but we were both excited to do it!

At 27°F when we came over, it was a cold but productive day.  J and I brought over a warm cupa to enjoy while looking out the new windows!
J and Nathan taking a load off

K & T's from the east side