Three Generations build a house together... Eco Friendy Urban Homesteading, being as frugal as they can...

Friday, September 30, 2011

Almost Real Time!

You can all thank my sister for asking for MORE PICTURES!  She knew that the progress was further along that what I had up on the blog.  I'm trying to get more and more geeky with this whole process so I can post pictures faster!  The pictures here are from yesterday!

Our progress so far:  We have the entire first floor framed in, sheathed & wrapped with the Tyveck.  The second floor framing, wall framing and attic floor framing are all done on Keith & Terese's side upstairs.  Nathan had a puzzle to figure out - where to put all the materials for upstairs.  He didn't want to haul it from the ground so with a (mostly) successful transfer of materials using a forklift, he got it all up there.  He drafted it all out ahead of time and put the lumber & plywood on dollys and can just move it around as he needs to. 

The house is looking quite large right now.  We are sure it won't feel so big after everyone gets used to seeing it there AND when the exterior materials are put on.  We've broken up the scale of the exterior materials.  This will be the largest house on our end of the street and we didn't want to have it 'sticking out'. I think you can see  the different materials detail from the drawings from an earlier post on August 15th.

Here is a picture of the house looking northwest (towards the back of the property of K&T's house)

looking northwest-ish

J is quite good at climbing the ladder to the upstairs (NOT the red one in this photo!).  Nathan has secured the ladder on the top & bottom since it will be there until the stairs are built.  I have a heart attack each time she's up there.  She is always very careful and is always compliant when I say she MUST hold my hand or have Daddy hold her.  She always wants Nathan to dance with her when there is anything new up.  It's pretty cute!

This is the viewing from the inside K&T's hallway looking south out through their kitchen to the roof deck.  Our bedroom will be across from them soon!

from hallway through galley kitchen upstairs
Terese picked a lovely large three-bay window to look out over her kitchen sink.  We are all quite happy to see the view from upstairs.  It feels like a tree house!  We had to make a decsion early on if we were going to do a basement or upstairs.  We couldn't afford both.  I think we're all feeling very confirmed that we made the right choice!

view from T's kitchen sink
 Just think, in a couple years there will be a nicer view, hopefully and apple and/or pear tree, raised garden beds, flower beds, trimmed's gonna be pretty fantastic!

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Help!

We've had neighbors come over to help, we've had friends in town help for a couple hours.  My sister-in-law & her husband were here a while sister & her husband came also!  For almost a week!

the drill that W is holding is his FAVORITE!

Sorry!  They are so cute here's another picture of the cousins!
my sister & I have some pretty cute kids!!

Erik putting up somr tyvek on walls (a few walls went up without tvyek..E will tell you it's easier when it's laying down!)

A week or so ago my dad came out to help.  Nathan & Dad like working together!
One of the many things I love about my family is that they all pitch into projects as if they are their own (not in an annoying way!)  Everyone is so excited & they just want to do what they can.  It's super sweet of them!

A lot has happened!

Sorry family (for it is they who have been yelling at me to get another post up!)

Nathan has been hard at work, that part hasn't changed a bit! We now have the main floor all framed, the second level floor framed, the second floor walls framed for Keith & Terese's area.  Attic floor framing & roof to come soon!  Also all the interior wall framing upstairs for K & T are done.  We drove by to look at it togther yesterday (N,K & J) J - after having 4 days of following her mom around was having NONE of it and had a fit of epic porportions.  So I followed her lead and got a glance out of the corner of my eye & took the girl home to have some play time...not driving, not being quiet, not being scooted off to someone else!

Who cares about words, let's see some WALLS!!

Wanna see a wall go up?  How does this amazing man handle such a feat on his own??  Drum roll please!

He builds the wall laying down, outside faceup.  To make less work later, we (he) also puts on the tyvek covering to protect the plywood from moisture until the exterior material is put on.  They then hook up the wall to the wall jacks.

Then grab your partner!  Or your dad!  Simultaneously they use the come-along on the wall jack to raise the wall.

It's so easy, I can do it one handed! lol

Taa Daa!

He will then stablize the wall with a 2x4 that is set at the same angle as the wall jacks, remove the jacks to use for the next wall.  The two walls are connected to the floor and each other and then, ta da!  You do that over and over and over!